Daily maintenance of mud pump: Maintenance work every day

Daily maintenance of mud pump: Maintenance work every day

The mud pump is a drilling darling. Maintaining the mud pump correctly and in time is a necessary measure to ensure the normal operation of the mud pump and prolong life. The maintenance methods of mud pumps introduced to you before are relatively general. Today, I will tell you about it. The daily maintenance of the mud pump is specific, every day, week, and monthly.

Daily maintenance standards for mud pump:

First, check the oil level of the power end after stopping the pump every day to observe the work of the cylinder set and the piston. If the missed mud exceeds the normal limit, the new cylinder set and the piston must be replaced; the cylinder sleeve cavity must be checked.

Check whether the water in the water tank is sufficient in the water tank, and replenish it in time. It is replaced when the cooling water is polluted, and the hygiene of the water tank is cleaned at the same time; check whether the inflatable pressure of the air bag excrete is in line with the requirements.

Check the reliability of the safety valve every day. Pin the piston rod cards every day, turn the piston around a quarter of a lap, and then put on the card hoop. Before the upper tight cylinder head and valve cover, fill the lubricating fat in its silk buckle, and check whether there is a loose phenomenon once every 4 hours.